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Kraft-Heinz Commercial Building


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DGC Role: Sitework Demolition, Grading, Paving, Off haul/Import 

Client: Clayco Construction 

Location of Project: Lathrop, CA 

Project Dates: May 2021 – December 2021

By the Numbers 

    • Contract Value: $4,000,000 
    • 150,000 CY Dirt Moved  
    • 650,000 SF of Building Pad Grading 
    • 8000,000 SF of Subgrade in Parking Lot/Drive Isle Pavement Areas  
    • 24,000 TN of Aggregate Base on Building Pad (7,000 onsite recycled grindings, 17,000 imported) 
    • 25,000 TN of Aggregate Base in Pavement Areas  
    • 17,000 TN of Asphalt 


Originally a glass manufacturing plant and an icon of the Central Valley for more than five decades, this 185-acre site was redeveloped in partnership with Clayco Construction. The 650,000 sq. ft. warehouse is slated to be occupied by Kraft-Heinz to support their western distribution channel of canned goods.

Prior to starting the planned work for the new warehouse pad, existing stockpiles of dirt from a previous phase of the project needed to be off hauled to nearby sites. By coordinating with our affiliate company, Double D Transportation, the material was moved quickly and efficiently to keep the project on schedule. In addition to the stockpiles, the site contained a large amount of concrete slabs, foundations, reinforced concrete pipe, and asphalt pavement from the demolished glass factory and original infrastructure. With creative thinking between our Estimating and Project teams, a crush operation was organized to recycle the material and stockpile it on-site for future reuse on the project.

At the peak of production, crews moved more than 10,000 cubic yards of dirt per day, amounting to more than 150,000 cubic yards moved throughout the duration of the project. A total of 24,000 tons of aggregate base was placed on the pad during the finish grade phase of the project – 7,000 tons of which was recycled grindings and 17,000 tons imported by Double D Transportation from a nearby aggregate plant.

Coordination with an adjacent fertilization plant, Simplot, required collaborative planning to accommodate existing monitor wells on the project site that are in place to monitor ground water quality and assess quality parameters in relation to their manufacturing operation. Proactive measures were taken to protect these areas by building berms and placing high visibility perimeters around the exposed bollard markers. In addition, our Project team worked closely with Clayco’s Safety team to ensure COVID precautions and dust control measures were in place.

The final stages of the project will include placing spoils generated by others, finishing pavement  subgrade around the building, placing 25,000 tons of aggregate base and 17,000 tons of asphalt in parking lots and surrounding surfaces.