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OAK Runway 12-30

OAK Runway 12-30

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DGC RoleExcavation, Grading & Paving Subcontractor 

Client: Port of Oakland 

Location of Project: Oakland International Airport, Oakland, CA 

Project Dates: May 2016 – September 2017

By the Numbers 

    • Contract Value: $48,318,122 
    • Contract Duration: 583 days 
    • 95,000 TNS HMA PAVING 
    • 2.2 Million SF GRINDING 
    • 35,000 CY AC Grindings 


The Runway 12-30 Project at Oakland International Airport (OAK) was DeSilva Gates Construction’s marquee project for 2017 and consisted of pavement rehabilitation on the main commercial runway at OAK. The project put on display the incredible human and industrial resources of DeSilva Gates Construction and our affiliated companies Double D Transportation, DeSilva Gates Aggregates and Gallagher & Burk.

OAK, owned and operated by the Port of Oakland (Port), is the second largest airport in the Bay Area, fourth busiest in California and among the top 30 airports in the world in the amount of air cargo handled. The project included more than $47 million of direct construction work, of which approximately $33 million was performed during a 2-week closure of Runway 12-30. During this closure, DeSilva Gates Construction crews, along with our subcontractors and vendors, worked in around-the-clock shifts, accumulating more than 70,000 manhours, equaling approximately $2.2 million worth of work per day or approximately $100,000 per hour.

This unprecedented project took four months of detailed planning, including scheduling activities down to 15-minute increments. The immense resources dedicated to this project by DeSilva Gates Construction, our subcontractors and vendors included 6 grinding crews, 5 paving crews, 8 airfield lighting crews, and 4 striping crews – totaling more than 650 individuals and hundreds of haul trucks working 24/7 on an active, secure airfield.

The team completed this award-winning project work on time without a safety or security incident, while exceeding stringent, FAA contract quality requirements. In addition to winning the International Partnering Institute Partnered Project of the Year Award and the United Contractors Project Safety Award, the OAK RWY 12-30 project was featured in California Asphalt Magazine. https://issuu.com/calcontractor/docs/cam_2018_quality_issuu?e=6185870/64730882.